DeepPaste V3

Your Deep-Shit Hoster for special shit

New Features:

DeepPaste Now Support Sticky (Pinned) Pastes for a Minimal fee.
Sticky Pastes will Pinned on Last Pastes for the time user paid for.
More Improved Spam Filters.
User can view analytics of their pastes on mypastes dashboard.

Other Features:

DeepPaste is a very simple Tool to share your text.
DeepPaste will never delete or censor a paste, but CP is not welcome here.
We do not have any filters enabled.
Public pastes are listed in a public database.
Private pastes are not in this database and are only reachable with the correct URL/MD5.
Its impossible to delete a public text(except self-destroying once).
A Self-Destroying text will be deleted while its displayed the first time.
There exist no copies for this texts after refreshing etc. It will be completely deleted.
You are also not able to apply for being a staff or admin! We will select people if needed.
DP-Staff's are the creators of DP, Admins are just people taking an eye on whats going on. Be sure to say Hi if you see one :)

About DeepPaste:

You cant reach the hoster/publisher/developer of DeepPaste directly for security reasons.
DeepPaste is only developed for the DeepWeb/DarkNet. DeepPaste isnt reachable from the Clearnet.
DeepPaste is completely anonymous.
DeepPaste does not require any kind of scripts.
DeepPaste does not use any third party code.
Every single line is developed by the staffs.
The Front-End is just based on HTML5 and CSS3.

For any who likes what we are doing, you can support us by a little donation to cover our server costs of around 30$ per month.
Our donation adresses is just a test if it's possible to cover our costs or to buy some tea, yes tea is the real shit...
We don't need donations to keep alive or something else, it's just a nice gesture.
For new tea:
BTC: 3Eb3hBRKQNJfoa3TTALxx46coWKnfieUeF

Accepted URLs:

oozduxr3samxgjnw.onion (Depretiated)
sdmyo5xs4hcww4xex3a5h4yvl6g36frdbpqtgq4atp35si3qkptzcyid.onion (New v3)
deepv2w7p33xa4pwxzwi2ps4j62gfxpyp44ezjbmpttxz3owlsp4ljid.onion (New v3)


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! Only Advert Related MSGs will be considered on above email.